Would you give a gift card?

I know this is crazy to think about but the holiday season is upon us and I need your opinions as this time of year approaches.

I personally love gift cards and would be happy with any kind, store gift cards, visa gift cards, whatever you want, I do not discriminate. As I get ready to start thinking about gift giving for the season I cannot help but stop and wonder if everyone feels this way too.

I know gift cards are considered impersonal but to me they are the gift of shopping and having the chance to choose an item that I absolutely love. I get the opportunity to pick an item, think about it and buy it when I am ready, not just by deadline because a holiday is fast approaching. This is not only one gift but an entire experience as you spend the day with your hot cup of coffee browsing items that could be yours and relaxing and escaping from reality for a bit.

What I want to know from you is how you feel about this, do you feel comfortable giving gift cards or not? Either way, tell me why you like or dislike them, I am very curious to hear all of your thoughts on this!

See you swoon,

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