1. Stop using shampoos with sulfates. A few months ago, my hair was a disaster: dry as straw, unmanageable, and downright difficult. After chatting with some friends, I realized my issue was probably the sulfates in my shampoo. Sulfates are detergents that clean your hair -- and they're also really terribly harsh and strip the good moisture from your locks. Giving up the sulfates was a painful process - my hair rebelled and it was not pretty. But now it is totally worth it. You have to read labels - something labeled "natural" may still have sulfates! My favorite brands are Burt's Bees, Giovanni and JASON (the first two are available at Target; all three are available at Whole Foods)
2- Start using vinegar. A few weeks ago, I blogged about some recipes for cleaning and beauty products using vinegar. Give it a try! It is so cheap and so easy to swap in the vinegar for what you were using.
3- Make a point to buy organic fruits & veggies that are part of the "dirty dozen." I'll be honest here: I do not buy all organic food. But I do make a point to buy organic when the fruit or veggie is one of the following, as these have been found to contain the highest degree of pesticides: celery, peaches, strawberries, apples, blueberries, nectarines, sweet bell peppers, spinach/kale/collard greens, cherries, potatoes, grapes and lettuce.
4. BYOB(ottle): Stop buying bottled water. Instead, buy a great aluminum option (like Sigg or Klean Kanteen) which you can reuse and refill. It is staggering to think of how much petroleum is used in creating all the bottled water we buy. And doubly staggering how much of those bottles end up in landfills. Plus, you're paying for water: why do so when you can fill at home for free?
5-BYOB(ag): Along the lines of BYOB(ottle) above, stop using the plastic bags at the grocery store and buy a bunch of canvas bags for groceries. Whole Foods has them for $1 each and they change design by season - they're super durable. And it is so much easier to carry a bunch at one time than those plastic bags. Keep a bag filled with them in your car so you're never without them.
There you go! Five simple, easy, inexpensive ways to get your green on. Do you have any easy tips for living a more sustainable life? Do tell.
See you swoon,
I'm proud to say I do all of those things, except the shampoo. I will, however, check it out asap :)