Totally self-indulgent, but I'm sharing five more random things about me. Nothing like showing my hand to the internet on a Monday morning.
1. I *love* Barry Manilow.
Yes, I do. I am not ashamed.
In fact, I saw him in concert this past weekend with four of my girlfriends (who liked and knew Barry's music in varying degrees and intensities). He is amazing in concert (especially considering he is over 70) and it was a blast. It's essentially a giant sing-a-long of his hits and he is a tremendously talented showman. Some scenes from the concert:
During the Copacabana - ribbon steamer cannons!! |
2. I take vitamins and I organize the heck out of them.
I feel better when I take my vitamins each day. I take a prenatal vitamin (more in a second on that but there are no babies or plans or hopes for more babies!), vitamin C, calcium, and flax seed oil. I take the prenatals because they are great! They make my nails and hair grow strong and I like the mix of vitamins in them. But with all of those vitamins, I find it to be a pain to grab the basket and get out the pills each morning. No more! I bought this sucker at CVS and I fill it every Sunday. Love. Dork. I recognize that this and #1 above go hand in hand.
3. My kids know me way too well.
I laughed - hard - when I read the Mother's Day my little girl gave me. Why, yes, my favorite color is white and Mommy does love to run, swim and bike. I particularly love that she got the order of preference right! And yes. Most importantly of all, I am happy when she hugs me. Melt.
4. My name is often butchered.
It's Shanna. Just like it's spelled. Sh-anna. Rhymes with "banana". Anna with "Sh" in front of it. It's not Shayna. Or Shawna. Or Shonna. Or Sheena. Or even Shannon. It's also not Channa, like the girl at Starbucks thought.
5. I am super particular about changing out three things every other month.
There are three things in my house that I am absolutely militant about changing every other month. I make it a point to change them on the first day of the month, every other month, starting in January. I change: (1) my toothbrush; (2) my mascara; (3) the air-filter in my furnace. It is much easier to remember to change them up when I do them all at once.
There you go! Five fun things. And I will leave you with this. Because what is more fun than Barry Manilow in merengue sleeves? The answer is nothing.

A friend of mine who is not a fan of Barry Manilow went recently to his show and still enjoyed it. He said the energy and his performance was very entertaining despite not liking his songs.
ReplyDeleteI just threw out my mascaras yesterday.