Olioboard how I have searched for you high and low!

This is the tyoe of  program I have been hunting for!  I have to thank a fellow blogger for her help, so thank you Rachel at Just a Touch of Gray.  This is exactly what I needed so that I could display fun mood boards of fashion and home decor.  I happened to see a mood board on Rachel's blog and decided I would ask her about it and now I am in mood board heaven :)

I am working on building my portfolio to create some fun arrangements that I will blog about soon.  Olioboard reminds me a lot of Polyvore but in my case I have found it to be a little more user friendly (this could totally just be me, you know, user error and all).  Check out the board I whipped up this morning, so much fun and now that you all know about this you are not going to get any work done today!

I did the following set based around the den/TV room.  I love the coral striped rug, the pop of color is so cheery.  This board was created with pre-listed items that are provided on Olioboard, next time I will show you items I found myself, this is a bit more time consuming because you have to enter websites and prices to display for everyone in case they plan to shop for the item.  Between this and Pinterest I will be busy for the next 50 years! Please ignore board number two, I have no clue how to post one board at a time yet, this is a total work in progress.

What programs are you using for your mood boards? I would love to try them out so let me know what works for you!

See you swoon,


  1. I keep forgetting about Olioboard! I've used Moodboard- but it's for Mac only. I'm going to try Olioboard- it's so fun to see a room "put together" before you actually buy something!

  2. Ahhh...that's amazing! I need to use Olioboard. Thank you for sharing that!
