
03 November 2014

Training Recap: Oct. 13-Nov. 2

Hello!  Sorry for my radio silence last week.  Life got a little crazy (which is to say work got a lot crazy), so I didn't have time to finish and publish my blogs.  It's all good - though my November is going to fly by at warp speed.

Anyway.  After my BQ at the Steamtown Marathon, I had a bit of a break in my training.  I am keeping busy with runs because I'm running with my friend Heather at the Philly Marathon in a couple of weeks (it's her first marathon! yeah!!).  So I knew after Steamtown I could take a little breather, but I needed to keep on keeping on with the long runs.  I'll recap my training below.  My training is maintenance mode right now, and I'm not working with my coach until after the Philly Marathon.  I know I can maintain my fitness on my own in the meantime.  Also, you know you're a runner when your son makes up his own playing card game (ala Pokemon) and the one card is this:

I'm not sure what any of the lingo is, but I do like that my shirt says (heart run run).  melt.

Anyway ... as for goals (because you know I need a goal and a plan), I have a turkey trot 5K (same one I did last year) and no other races scheduled for 2014!  I'm still working out the kinks in my 2015 race plan and will need to go over that with my coach, but I'm thinking 2015 will be running focused - a half marathon in Austin in February (I'm currently signed up for the full, but I'm second guessing that decision), perhaps the Pittsburgh full in May and a bunch of sprint tris over the Spring and Summer.  Yay.

Onto the training:

Week of October 13-October 19:  2:38:10 hours

Swam: 39:26 minutes (1,700 yards)
Ran:  1:59 hours (14.03 miles)

Monday:  Rest Day
Tuesday: Rest Day
Wednesday: Track Run - 3 miles
Thursday: Easy Swim - 1,700 yards
Friday: Easy Run - 3 miles
Saturday: Rest Day
Sunday: "Long run" - 8 miles

My recovery from Steamtown was no.joke.  Wow.  My quads were killing me.  I rested two full days and was finally ready for a run on Wednesday.  I did that run on the track with my new running club friend.  It was great.  

Thursday I did some active recovery, which was to swim a mile in the pool.  I've missed swimming and added a day of it back to my rotation.  Love it.

Friday's 3 miler was nothing special - just an easy 3 miles.  And Sunday's "long run" was just 8 miles in my hometown on a simply stunning Fall day.  I didn't want to push to a really long long run, but I knew I needed to bank some miles.  8 miles seemed like a good choice.  It was.  

Week of October 20-October 26:  3:45:26 hours

Swam: 21:15 minutes (1,000 yards)
Ran: 3:24 hours (23.7 miles)

Monday:  Easy recovery run: 3 miles
Tuesday:  Speedwork at Track - 3.72 miles
Wednesday: Rest Day
Thursday: Easy run - 2 miles
Friday: Rest Day
Saturday:  Swim - 1,000 yards
Sunday: Long run:  15 miles

More of the same this week.  Mostly runs, one swim, two rest days, and I added back a real long run of 15 miles and speedwork. The long run was a little harder than I thought it would (or should) be.  But I got it done.  I averaged 8:47 pace on that run, which made me happy.

Oh and look what's back now that it's dark in the morning ... safety patrol singlet!

don't run me over. tx.
Week of October 27-November 2:  6:24.58 hours

Swam: 21:00 minutes (1,000 yards)
Ran: 6:03:59 hours hours (35.3 miles)

Monday:  Easy run - 3 miles
Tuesday: Rest Day
Wednesday: Speedwork at track with running club
Thursday:  Run - 4 miles
Friday:  Run - 4 miles
Saturday:  Swim - 1,000 yards
Sunday: Long run - 20 miles with Heather

Now this is more like it.  One rest day, speedwork, lots more miles.  I also joined my running club at the track for a group speedwork workout (that I managed to screw up somehow ... but still got it done. I screwed it up b/c my coach talked meters, and I talk miles and I got confused.).  The highlight of this week was my long run with Heather.  I'm so proud of her!  We banged out 20 miles on the trail and this will be her longest run in preparation for the Philly Marathon.  It's a gradual taper for her til race day.  She ran it so strong and in tricky, windy conditions.  There is no doubt she could have kept on going after the 20 mile mark.  I cannot wait to be there with her as she crosses that finish line and runs every mile leading up to it!

friends since first grade
Yeah! Have a great week!  This week is more of the same - easy short runs, maybe a swim, speedwork and another long run with Heather.  Yippie. 

See you swoon,

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