
16 March 2012

Luck O' The Irish ...

Happy St. Patrick's Day Eve!  

This year, St. Patrick's Day is very exciting for me.  No, I'm not donning green plastic shamrock earrings or drinking green beer at the crack of dawn.  Instead, I am running the Rock n' Roll Half Marathon in Washington DC.  This is my tenth? eleventh? (i've lost count) half marathon and the first, but not last, one of my 2012 racing season. 

I am super crazy excited about this race for so many reasons.  Shall I list them?  OK - ready set go!


  1. I have been training my bum off for months and am poised to make my time goal of running 13.1 miles in under 2 hours (this goal is an ever elusive one for me as I posted here -- note: I didn't make my goal at the November race.  I ran into some tummy issues that slowed me down but didn't stop me!).  My training runs have been speedy so I am confident I can do it.  In fact, I ran 12 miles with a sustained pace of 8:45 per mile two weeks ago.  I know in my heart that my PR is just within reach.  
  2. I get to run the race with a friend of mine!  She just started running relatively recently and we discovered our pace is about spot on the same.  The only thing better than making a PR is making a PR with a friend at my side.
  3. I get to visit one of my best friends and her family in the DC burbs.  She's good for my soul.  We bonded our freshman year of college outside our college bar while waiting for people to, um, help us get inside.
  4. I will be running around a city that I adore, near so many of my old stomping grounds at Catholic U.  I can't believe I'll be running right up North Capitol Avenue!  
  5. On my way home, I'll stop and visit the memorial tree that my best friends and I planted in memory of our dear friend who left us far too soon.  Five years ago this weekend was the last time we all got together.  The timing is pretty perfect.  
So if you don't mind, do a little virtual cheering for me tomorrow!  I promise I will post my time next week - even if I don't make my goal.  

What about you? Got any St. Paddie's Day plans?  Are you making some corned beef and cabbage or drinking a brew or two?  Have a great and green weekend, my friends!

See you swoon,


  1. I'm so excited for you! You are ready and WILL make your goal.
    I don't really love beer anymore, but the kids are going to a play with my mom so I'm thinking the hubs and I should go grab a quick beer tomorrow :)

  2. Definitely cheering you on! Can't wait to hear about the race! Good luck!

  3. Cheering you on Shanna!!!! You are truly a great inspiration!! xoxo

  4. Shanna - I'll be cheering you and Ava on tomorrow! Both of you are such an inspiration to me.

  5. Run, Shanna run! I'll be cheering you on! <3
