
09 January 2012

A pillow tap dance

This weekend was a rough one project wise.  Thankfully my giant mirror creation is almost complete so I hope to have that to show you next week.  Shanna came over to help with a moulding project that tested both of us to the point of having to stop and regroup, we will have to come back to it another day.  We have come to realize that there are no detailed tutorials on how to cut angles from those that have done his project so I assure you when I figure it out there will be pictures and directions galore.  If you are anything like us, trust me, you are going to need them. Angles-1, Shanna and Jamie-0. 

Amidst all of this project insanity I received a pretty brown box on my front porch from POTTERY BARN!  My lovely slate gray, chenille, throw pillows had arrived, yipppeeee!  Now this is a project I cannot mess up :)  I made a quick trip to Ikea to get some down 20" pillow inserts for $6.99 and a couple other things of course (I cannot ever make it out of there with just the items I intended to buy) and went home.  Note to self, when you are used to going to Ikea on your lunch breaks when no one is there, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT go there on a Saturday afternoon.

Here is where the tap dance began.  Before I did the Capiz shell mirror I had these Pottery Barn Alessandra  pillows in my front room:

Then to this:

I still love these pillows so I found a new home for them and the slate gray pillows set up shop here (I plan to add something with a print for added interest):

Something about the gray makes me feel like this room is a little more grounded.  What do you think?

I also found this pillow at Ikea yesterday and thought it would be a good fit for the front bench:

I am  not  a huge fan of this map so I was pleasantly surprised when I turned the pillow around and it looked like this:

And here is the full bench:

The yellow pillows are living in my den, I think they are going to look amazing once I get the deeper gray painted on the walls...and a new couch (one day):

Oh and these soft shearling pillows are from Land's End.  Shanna found them and we each bought a couple, they were $12.99 for both and free shipping!

So there you have it. Pillows were rearranged everywhere but I am really liking the new vibe.  What do you think?  Are you down with the gray in the front room or would you have left the yellow?

Happy Monday everyone, have a great week!

See you swoon,


  1. I love the yellow against the darker couch. i think it pops much more than against the white.

  2. I agree. I need to add something extra to the white sofa, something with a print I think. I will be sure to show you that small update when it happens!
