
04 May 2011

What Would Jamie Wear: Upcoming Bridal Shower

It's that time of year again!  Showers and weddings galore, this season just feels like love is all around.  I know, kind of cheesy but it is so true!

Next weekend Shanna and I have a bridal shower for our husband's cousin (haha that sounds like we have the same husband...but we don't for those of you Big Love fans out there) at the local community center.  I have never been to a shower at a location such as this so trying to decide what to wear has been challenging.  When I think community center I think YMCA but I am certainly not going to wear gym attire but I am also not going to get extremely dressed up, I am just not getting that vibe from the invitation and time of day this is taking place.  I did try and look this place up online to see if they had any pictures but that was a no go.  Back to square one.

Yesterday I was in Target and came across the designer Calypso St. Barth who is offering certain pieces from their line for a limited time.  I found the perfect springy top and as I held it in my hand a woman told me it looks fabulous on and that she worked for Tori Burch.  She said this Target shirt was almost the same exact thing as what she is selling in her store now!  Of course I had to try it on after that comment and then somehow it ended up with me in the check out line.

I won't keep you waiting any longer, here is what I am thinking for the shower:

What do you think?  Good choices for this type of venue and event or would you go in a  different direction?  Stay tuned for Friday, another WWJW coming up for what I plan to wear to the wedding!

See you swoon,

1 comment:

  1. I like! I was leaning toward pants and a cute top too (uh and those same shoes!). I'm not sure what I am going to wear. Though I have been excited to see the Calypso stuff at Target. Must get there ASAP.
