
21 April 2011

Thursday Pop Quiz!

Don't worry: you won't be graded.

My friends know I love polls and quizzes, so  couple of weeks ago when this fun little quiz was making its rounds over on Twitter, I was all about it.  I thought it was so fun.  The site Sproost has a style search engine, in which you rate how you feel about a bunch of rooms' decor from "love it" to "hate it" and a few in between.  Based on your likes and dislikes or loves and hates, depending on how strongly you feel, it will sum up your style in a few words.  It's super fun and pretty quick.  

So take the quiz HERE and let us know what style you are! It'll be fun to compare notes and see how accurate we think the test is. 

I ended up getting a resounding Cottage Chic as my style, with Nantucket Style as a second option and French Eclectic in third.  I think it's dead on!  These rooms are totally my style ... with the first making me swoon the most.  

Cottage Chic
Cottage Chic

Nantucket Style
Nantucket Style

French Eclectic
French Eclectic

Sproost is a super cool site, as well!  If you sign up (they promise no spam - woo hoo!), you can create rooms with different elements and layouts and with a budget in mind.  How fun is that?

What about you? Please share your results of the quiz!  Happy Thursday!

See you swoon,

{note: all photos courtesy of Sproost, which did not sponsor or comp us for featuring their site: we just {heart} it}


  1. Oh my gosh, how fun is this!? Sproost is new to me and my quiz was right on for me too. I went #1 with Nantucket style, #2 Rustic Revival and #3 was Cottage Chic (this one had an Eames chair in it that I heart).

  2. I'm 100% vintage modern, with no second or third choices. No big surprise, but that was a fun quiz.

  3. I'm glad you guys had fun! And I am not at all surprised at either of your results. :)

  4. it was fun..I ended up nantucket and then Wine Country....surprized there wasn't some French or English country somewhere, but confirmed where my head is going for redoing some rooms.

  5. I got French Eclectic, Vintage Modern, and Contemporary. Weird, not sure I totally agree with that!
